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Page 175
53. I can't stand doing anything partwayit's either all or nothing for me.
54. I like to fantasize how my life would be if I finally got the recognition and status from others that I justly deserve.
55. I don't like to be around people socially who aren't at the same level of accomplishment and social status as I am.
56. Sometimes I have dreams about others giving me recognition and treating me special.
57. I try to change my partner to make a good reflection upon me.
58. It really matters what others think about me.
59. The thought of giving up the standard of perfection that I have set for myself fills me with anxiety in that I wouldn't know what else to use to guide my behavior.
60. I feel driven to accomplish more and more in my life.
Add up your score on all 60 items. Your score will fall somewhere between 0 (if you disagreed strongly with all 60 items) and 240 (if you agreed strongly with all 60 items). In taking an inventory of this type, there are various subjective factors involved (for example, truthfulness in answering the statements) and statistical factors that affect your score.
Because of this, your global, or "universe," score is probably in the range of 15 points above or below what you have calculated. You may want to consider this when drawing any conclusions as to where you fit. Calculate the following:
________ Actual Score
________ Low universe score
               (subtract 15 points)
________ High universe score
               (add 15 points)

Interpretation of Scores
In using the interpretive guidelines presented here, please remember that (even taking into consideration your universe scores), any general statements made may not be accurate in your particular

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