When you have faith about accomplishing a goal, you have removed all doubt. This is because people who have faith also possess certainty. Doubt is the opposite of certainty. Doubt (a vice) will cause traders to overanalyze the market and the methodology they developed. Certainty removes doubt, and creates profits. This sounds simple, and it is. However, it takes faith to create certainty. |
You must use faith to become certain that your ability as a trader and your trading methodology will ultimately enable you to arrive at your goal. Currently you may not know exactly how you will get there, but you must become certain that you will eventually succeed. It is vitally important that you understand that as you increase faith and develop certainty, your ability as a trader will continue to improve, eventually guaranteeing your triumph. |
In other words, airplane pilots will retain their faith and level of certainty about arriving at their intended destination regardless of the obstacles en route. They may have to take a detour around a large storm, but they will eventually land safely. Just as the level of certainty of the airline pilot is unwavering, so your level of certainty as a trader must remain unwavering. |
Faith breeds confidence, success, and certainty. Faith fights doubt and uncertainty, which lead to fear, doubt, despair, disappointment, and hesitation. Faith will overcome the four primary obstacles that all traders encounter. The first obstacle is the trader's mind. It is in the mind where our abilities reside, and where beliefs and values exist. Faith will overcome any limiting values and beliefs. The second obstacle is fundamental analysis. Regardless of our trading abilities, there's always some fundamental aspect about the markets that we lack information about or lack understanding of. The third obstacle is technical analysis. As with fundamental analysis, regardless of the abilities of the trader there will always be a new and perhaps more efficient way to perceive the markets technically. The fourth obstacle is the markets themselves. Markets can be unpredictable and inconsistent, and they possess endless variations. The trader who possesses faith will overcome all these obstacles. |
Your goal in creating faith in your trading abilities is to know that you will overcome all obstacles, and that you will eventually become a very profitable trader. It is a matter not of if you become a profitable trader, but when. It is your faith, and developing a sense of certainty about yourself and your trading ability, that will allow you to learn, research, and apply what you learn to trading. Currently you have a lot of beliefs that involve faith and certainty in your everyday life. You must add trading to this list. |
Faith is the foundation that all other virtues are built upon. It is absolutely essential to a trader's ultimate success. Outstanding traders have a multitude |