Chapter 7
Aw, Mom. Do I Really Have to Go to School Today? |
If you think education is expensive, try ignorance. DEREK BOK |
Let's see where we are. The Sixth Market is in full swingfueled by fast processors, abundant bandwidth, a stable Internet, great trading platforms, unlimited information, a new kind of trader, and a bright future full of wonderful progress. |
We already know where to trade, we can configure our equipment, choose an ISP, and choose the right direct access broker for our needs. It's not surprising that millions of us have opened online trading accounts to take advantage of these newly found powers in the Sixth Market. Eagerly, we new traders have embarked on this exciting new online trading adventure. It can't get any better than this, can it? |
Well, frankly it had better get a lot better! Don't forget the dirty little secret of the Sixth Market. Most of these self-directed traders are not making consistent profits in the market. That kind of takes all the fun out of it, doesn't it? |
So, why isn't everyone making money? What's gone wrong? |