stock An instrument that signifies an ownership positionor equityin a corporation, and represents a claim on its proportionate share in the corporation's assets and profits. See also equity. |
SuperDot The NYSE's computerized trading and execution system. Analogous to Nasdaq. |
support A price level at which falling prices have stopped falling and have either stabilized or started rising. The buyers are in control. |
swing trading Trading, in the one- to five-day time horizon, designed to capture short-term moves in the market. |
symbol A system of letters used to uniquely identify a stock or mutual fund. Symbols with up to three letters are used for listed stocks. Symbols with four letters are used for Nasdaq stocks. Symbols with five letters are used for Nasdaq stocks other than single issues of common stock. Symbols with five letters ending in "X" are used for mutual funds. |
technical analysis A form of market analysis that studies supply and demand for securities based on price studies and trading volume in order to predict future trends. |
the Street See Wall Street. |
Third Market Over-the-counter trading of listed securities among institutional investors and broker/dealers for their own accounts, rather than as agents for investors. |
tick The minimum fluctuation in price of a tradable item. |
ticker A scrolling display of current or recent security prices and volume. |
trade A transaction of a security or commodity. |
trading Opening a position in the market, either long or short, with the expectation of either closing it out for profit, or cutting losses quickly if the trade does not work out. |
trading halt The temporary suspension of trading in a Nasdaq security, usually for 30 minutes, while material news from the issuer is being disseminated over the news wires. A trading halt gives all investors equal opportunity to evaluate news and make buy, sell, or hold decisions. |
trading range The difference between the high and low prices traded during a period of time. |
trading volume See volume. |
transaction costs Costssuch as commissions, exchange fees, and the spreadincurred when buying or selling assets. |
trend The prevailing price movement. |
trend channel See channel. |
trendline A chart slope representing price movements, connecting the highest and lowest prices of a security. A line connecting either a series of highs or a series of lows is a trend. The trendline can represent support in an uptrend and resistance in a downtrend. Consolidations are marked by horizontal trendlines. |